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Print or PDF Your Reports

How to use the "Print Friendly View" feature to print clean reports or export to PDF.

Victoria Kinzig avatar
Written by Victoria Kinzig
Updated over 3 years ago

The steps below will help you print a given report, which may be useful for bringing to a meeting or sharing a static version outside of the KickUp platform.

  1. Go to the top of the page of any report and click "Manage Report."

  2. Click on "Print-Friendly View." This will bring all tabs into one page with optimizations for print.

3. Configure the report data, heat maps, and other other visualizations to display the way you'd like to export or print them. For example, you might use the report filter to restrict what data is shown, pop open certain sections and close others, group data as you'd like it, or even use the search on open responses to narrow the comments to a particular set of comments.

4. Go to "File-Print" in your browser. From this window, you can choose to either print to a computer or Save as a PDF by changing the destination to "Save as PDF."

Please note: Your browser may look different than this window, though the same options should exist.

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