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Topic Highlight Widget Set Up
Victoria Kinzig avatar
Written by Victoria Kinzig
Updated over a week ago

The Topic Highlight Widget provides a way to showcase a specific topic - often a Key Metric - to which you're hoping to call attention. Here are a few examples of the widget in use:

You'll notice that the visual itself is a designed to show, for a given topic, the percent of responses that fall into each of the rubric tiers, with an emphasis on a specific group of tier(s) that you designate. 

For example, you might choose to emphasize the top three tiers: 

Or you might choose to emphasize the top two tiers, comparing a certain metric across different moments in time:

Here are the steps for adding the Topic Highlight Widget to your reports: 

1: Select the widget called "Topic Highlight," from the list of available widgets and click "edit" to begin configuring.

2: Select the Topic you'd like to highlight, using the dropdown. The list you see is a list of all of the quantitative topics covered on this report. 

3: Usually, your rubric will auto-populate. If there are multiple rubrics used on this report, you will have to choose the appropriate rubric. From here, you can click on the tiers you'd like to emphasize. 

4: Next, you'll want to write your descriptive header text to align with the topic you chose and the tiers you've highlighted. Keep in mind that, when displayed in the report, this statement will directly following the percentage that is calculated by your highlighted tiers, so usually it will start with the word "of."

5: Finally, you'll determine the width of your widget, depending on how many widgets you'd like to display side-by-side. 

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