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Report Building: Step 5 - Anonymize Report
Mar y Sol Esparza avatar
Written by Mar y Sol Esparza
Updated over a week ago

Consider the following:

  • Edit this section only if you would like to anonymize who submitted responses or about whom responses were submitted.

  • Protecting the identities of respondents or those being responded about can help maintain trust, while still allowing people to view important data.

Anonymization schemes:

Choose one or both

  1. “Configure for who Response is About” to hide the identity of people about whom responses were submitted about. This might be useful for reports including classroom observations, or feedback about specific presenters. 

  2. “Configure for who Response is Submitted By” to hide the identity of people who submitted responses. This might be useful for instances where respondents are assured anonymity, but still have some identifying information associated with their response.

Display Text:

Select what you would like displayed for who submitted responses or about whome responses were submitted, then click "Add"

You may select any attribute value tied to the individual in KickUp, a random number or custom text.

Considerations: The anonymization scheme you select applies only to how responses are displayed in the selected widgets that display these fields (i.e. Open responses, All table, Multiple Choice "Drill-in")

What's next? 

Learn about the steps that follow report creation below:

  1. Creating a Report

  2. Selecting Data Sources 

  3. Filtering Data

  4. Configuring Report Content; 4A. Configuring specific widgets

  5. Anonymizing Reports

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