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Inviting New Users to KickUp

This article will help you invite users into KickUp whether you have a list of emails or need to send out an access link.

Joel Smith avatar
Written by Joel Smith
Updated over a week ago

Note: The KickUp team will typically help your organization set up an automated sync between your HR system of record and KickUp to ensure that staff are invited and updated on an ongoing basis. If this is set up, please talk to your CSM before inviting new users directly.

If this process is not in place, there are two primary ways that you can invite users into KickUp: (1) you can enter a list of emails and send invitations directly to those emails or (2) you can create a publicly accessible link. 

Creating Invitations

To get to the invitations form, visit the Directory for your organization and select the "Invite Person" option from the Actions menu in the top right corner.

Email Invitations

The default option for inviting users is to enter a list of emails to directly send emails to potential users' inboxes. Enter a list of comma-separated emails to invite multiple people to KickUp.

After adding the appropriate emails to the form, you can also pre-configure some settings for users that are being invited. You can configure:

  • Groups: Do you need to put your users in groups to handle things like reports sharing or events access?

  • Permissions: Do these users need to have any specific permissions when they log-in to KickUp?

  • Restrictions: Do you need to restrict data access for these users when they are viewing reports?

When you are finished with the form, click the Invite button to complete the process. You'll be prompted to decide whether to send the invitation emails now or later. Clicking Go to Directory will not send an email invitation, but you can do so later from the directory. You can also choose to invite more users.

Once you click Email Invites, users will receive an email inviting them to join KickUp. You can learn more about how users accept invites in this article

Invitations will expire within 3 days of being sent, but you can easily re-send invitations for users in the directory using Bulk Actions. If someone's invitation has expired, they can also claim their account by going to

If you don't know the exact emails of the users that you'd like to invite, you can create an invitation link that's shareable with anyone. To create a new invitation link, select the Create Public Link option on the invitation form.

You'll be prompted to enter a title for your link (this title isn't public; it's just for editing the list later on) as well as an expiration date.

The expiration date ensures that this access link won't live on forever, and the default setting is one month from the date of creation.

Just like inviting users via email, you can preconfigure Groups, Permissions, and Restrictions to make sure your potential users have access to the right things.

Once you've completed the form, click Create. Then, a modal will appear giving you access to your link (this one is blocked-out in blue). 

After you've copied your link (don't worry, you can access it again later), you will be taken to the Manage Public Links screen where you can access old links you've created to edit, copy, or disable any of those existing links. To learn more about managing public links, go to this article.

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