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Course Resources

An overview of course resources and how to use them.

Written by Erin Haugaard
Updated over 2 months ago

A resource is a term used to describe the content you are sharing with your course participants. These can be lessons, videos, slides, website links, written text, and more. You may choose to use them for just text (i.e. an overview of the course) or you can add text, attachments, videos, etc. all within one resource. The choice is up to you!

Add resource

  1. Within a module click the “Add” button

  2. A menu will appear, click “Resource”

3. A pop-up window will open that allows you to name the resource, select an icon that best represents it, and add the desired content.

Note: If you start to add a resource, then decide you no longer want it, you will need to remove it from the list.

Edit resource

  1. Expand the module that the resource is in.

  2. Hover over the section containing the resource name. Click to open the edit view.

  3. Make desired changes and select “Save”

Resource icons

These icon options allow you to personalize and distinguish the resources, so they stand out from one another for the participants. Here are some examples of when you might choose to use these. Feel free to get creative!

Chalkboard: General lesson, lesson planning guidance, miscellaneous resources

Information: Module overview, general information about the course

Open book: Reading materials, book club assignment, PDF

Camera: Linking or embedding a video, requesting that staff video a lesson of theirs

Laptop: Slideshow, technology topic

Browser: external website, create a website

Lightbulb: Reflection, “What you wonder”

Brain: Brainstorming, reflection, “What you’ve learned”

Globe: Instruction related to understanding and appreciating other cultures/diversity

Person with brain: Applying your understanding, reflection, brainstorming, “What you know”


You may want to add external resources like files, images, powerpoints, etc. to your course.

  1. Create a new resource or find the resource you would like to upload

  2. Click “Upload”

  3. Drag and drop or click the gray area to add a file. You may add multiple files to a resource by clicking “Upload” again and selecting another item.

Links (link vs embed)

Similar to uploads, you may prefer to share links with your participants. These might be documents, slideshows, or videos from external sources like Google Drive, Microsoft Onedrive, Youtube, and more.

  1. Create a new resource or find the resource you would like to link to

  2. Click “Link”

  3. Paste or type in the link you would like to add

  4. Select the display type

    1. “Link” displays the link to the participant exactly as you added it

    2. “Embed” will embed the link so the participant can see the content directly in KickUp. When you select “Embed” you will see a preview of how the content will be displayed. If you are unhappy with the preview, modify the link or display it as “Link.” Links from YouTube, Google Drive, and OneDrive do not require special embed links to embed properly.

If you receive the following view using a YouTube link, it is likely due to video creator settings, age restrictions, or copyright issues.

Delete resource

  1. Find the resource you would like to delete

  2. Click the “Delete” button (trash can)

  3. A warning will appear to verify you want to delete the resource

  4. Select “Yes, delete resource”

*For now, if a participant has completed the resource, it will not be able to be deleted. This functionality will come at a later time. In the meantime, you could edit the resource and use it for other content you’d like to share or have it serve as a time to stop and reflect before continuing.

Reordering resources

  1. Find the resource you would like to reorder.

  2. Click and hold the 6 dots on the left hand side of the resource.

  3. Drag it and release your click when you are happy with its placement.

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