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Course Quizzes

An explanation of quizzes and how to create them within a self-paced course.

Written by Maria Victoria Ferrara
Updated over 2 months ago

Create a quiz

Click the “Add” button and select “Quiz”

Fill out the details tab of the quiz creator.

  • The passing score is what percentage the participants should score to pass the quiz.

  • You can set a total number of “Attempts allowed” to pass the quiz.

  • The “Unlimited” option allows participants to retake the quiz until they achieve a passing score.

Navigate to the “Questions” tab and begin creating the quiz questions. You can choose from the following question types

  1. Multiple choice, questions with 2-6 answer choices

  2. True/False, questions with 2 pre-populated answer choices

After designating a correct answer choice, a green check mark will appear as pictured below. Note that participants are unable to see this while taking the quiz.

All changes made to the quiz will be saved and updated automatically.

Edit a quiz

  1. Expand the module that the quiz is in.

  2. Hover over the section containing the quiz name. Click to open the edit view.

  3. Make desired changes. They will save automatically.

Delete a quiz

  1. Find the quiz you would like to delete

  2. Click the “Delete” button (trash can)

  3. A warning will appear to verify you want to delete the quiz

  4. Select “Yes, delete quiz”

*For now, if a participant has completed the quiz, it will not be able to be deleted. This functionality will come at a later time.

View quiz results

From the “Progress” tab on the course details page, click on “Quizzes”. All published quizzes will appear here along with quiz participation data.

To review quiz completion status and scores, click on the quiz you would like to review. You will now see a table of all course participants with their quiz completion status and score from their most recent attempt.

To review an individual's quiz attempts, click on the user. You will automatically see the selections they made in their most recent attempt. If they have taken the quiz more than once, you will be able to view each quiz attempt using the dropdown menu button pictured below.

Correctly answered questions will display the selected answer highlighted in green. For incorrect answers, the participant's choice will be highlighted in red, accompanied by a green checkmark indicating the correct answer. *Course participants cannot see the correct answer to questions they've answered incorrectly.

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