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Steps Overview

Understand the role of steps in an evaluation cycle.

Jimmy Harrison avatar
Written by Jimmy Harrison
Updated over 3 years ago

What is a step?

A step is a unit of an evaluation cycle representing an action that is required as part of your organization’s evaluation process. A step may represent

  • A meeting that needs to be held,

  • A walkthrough form that an evaluator will complete

  • A goal setting form that a teacher will complete

  • A summative evaluation form that an evaluator will complete

Steps have a default due-date, and KickUp will alert you via email as well in other places in the evaluation module that you have a step that is considered overdue. Additionally, steps may have a connected form that allows either the staff member or evaluator to submit data.

1. Claiming a Step

Since a staff member may be on several rosters, evaluators need to be assigned to each step in a particular staff member’s cycle. Evaluators can easily claim the steps themselves and they will then be responsible for that step in that staff member’s cycle.

2. Assigning a Step

To support assigning steps without needing every evaluator to claim their steps, steps can also be assigned to other evaluators by evaluators and administrators. The options in the assignment dropdown will be all of the evaluators who have this staff member on their roster.

The assignee of a step can still be edited or cleared after being initially assigned.

3. Completing a Step

Each step in an evaluation cycle ought to eventually be marked as complete, and depending on the type of step, there are a few ways that a step becomes “complete.”

For steps with a form, a step is marked as complete once the form has been submitted and any signatures that are required have been added. If a form step requires signatures, the form submission cannot be edited once the signatures have been added.

For a meeting step, the person who is assigned to the step is given the option to mark the step as complete and then any signatures that are required can be added to complete the step.

4. Adding and Removing Optional Steps

Certain steps can be configured as optional to account for teacher waivers, optional walkthroughs, and more. Evaluators and system administrators are able add or remove these steps from the evaluation cycle of a given staff member.

5. Artifacts & Signatures

Steps may also include an option for adding artifacts (files or links can be added).

A step can also require a signature from one or both of the participants in a step.

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