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Analyzing your Data Submitted

How to navigate your Data "Summary" View for the purpose of analysis

Victoria Kinzig avatar
Written by Victoria Kinzig
Updated over a week ago

Once data is submitted in a Coaching Log, Walkthrough, or Evaluation in KickUp, you can view individual and aggregated submissions in the "Data" tab, which you'll find to the right of the "Roster" tab within an instance.

This article focuses on how you can use the "Summary" view within the Data tab to explore trends in your aggregated data. You can learn more about the Submissions view of your data here, which is a place where you can search through a table of individual responses.

To jump to a specific type of data, use the links below:

How the Summary View is Organized

You'll notice three filters at the top of your page, which allow you to narrow your dataset to only show data within certain dates or submitted by or about specific individuals.

The visuals within the Summary page represent the items included in the form completed in KickUp, in the same order as they appear in the form. Forms may include a mix of multiple choice, matrix-style, open-response, numeric, date, or other questions.

Multiple Choice Data

If your form contains a multiple choice question, e.g. a demographic question or a another multiple choice question, it will visualize like a bar chart. When you hover on any multiple choice item, you'll see an option to "Drill in," which will allow you to view each individual response that is counted towards the total. You can also click on any of the colorful bars in the chart to drill in.

Below you can see how the question filled out in a form (left) translates to the bar chart shown (right). Note that, if a multiple choice item allows a user to select more than one value, the total of the percentages listed in the bar chart will exceed 100%.

Numeric Data

If your form includes a "Numeric" question, you will see another type of visualization that looks similar to the multiple choice visualization. A common example of a numeric item is one that allows you to capture and aggregate time spent.

When looking at a Numeric Data visualization, you'll see your total (hours in this case) in the bottom right corner. Individual bars and the corresponding percentages of the whole are in proportion to that sum. You can change the way you segment your totals by clicking on the "Group by" dropdown at the top of the chart. You may see different options in this dropdown, depending on your dataset.

Similarly to other bar charts, you can view more context about the data displayed by either clicking "Drill in," or by clicking on any of the colorful bars, which will show you the individual responses that make up the total.

Open Response Data

Open response items are common across many forms. Every open response item will be visualized similarly. You can search for key terms, sort by a number of variables using the "Sort by" button, and click on any response in your scrolling view to see the full form submission associated with a given open response answer.

Matrix Data (Heat Maps)

Common to a walkthrough forms and many other forms are matrix-style items, in which a response is given on a scale.

Matrix items visualize as a "heat map." In the left-most column of a heat map, you'll see each row from a form's matrix question. The default view is "All" data in aggregate; once you select an attribute by which to group the data using the "Group by" menu, you will see the data split into columns based on the values for the attribute that you choose to group by. Each column represents the averages of the responses for the options within the category that you have grouped by (for example, ELA or Math if you have grouped by Content). You may see different options in the Group by menu, depending on your dataset.

Lighter green shows lower averages and darker green shows higher averages to highlight variations within the data. The average score shown corresponds to the numeric average of responses as calculated based on the number of items on the scale used (e.g. the screenshots shown above and below use a 4-point scale, where the leftmost value is has a value of 1 and the rightmost value has a value of 4).

You can toggle to view the same data, shown by the percentage of responses that fell into one of the right-most options on the rubric used in the matrix question. If you hover over a heat map cell, you will see the breakdown of responses for data that are included in that specific cell's displayed average/percentage. If you click on a given cell, you will see the "Drill in" view of the heat map, where you can further sort & filter that cell's data, as well as pull up individual submissions by clicking on them.

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