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Introduction to Action Items for Coaches

Continue coaching collaboration with action items

Jimmy Harrison avatar
Written by Jimmy Harrison
Updated over a week ago

Action Items allow you to create simple to do items between coaches and teachers to help keep track of next steps.

Action Items will need to be enabled first within your coaching instance. View this article for instructions on how to enable action items within a coaching instance.

As a coach within KickUp, you can:

1. View your Action Items:

If you are participating in a coaching cycle, you can find action items by selecting the teacher from your roster view. Once you've selected the teacher, navigate to the Action Items tab.

If you do not have coaching cycles enabled, you can view action items by selecting a teacher from your roster view.

2. Create an Action Item:

To create an action item, select the Action Item button.

Once you select add action item, there will be several different fields to complete:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Assignee

  • Due Date

Once you have completed the required fields (title and assignee), select Save.

3. Complete an Action Item

To complete an Action Item, select the circle icon to the left of the Action Item. This will mark this item as complete, and it will be placed under the Completed Action Item drawer.

4. Edit an Action Item

To edit an Action Item, select the Edit button to the right of the Action Item you would like to edit.

From there, you can edit your desired fields and save.

5. View completed Action Items

To view completed Action Items, select the completed drawer. From there, you will be able to see all the completed action items between you and your teacher.

6. Revive completed Action Items

To revive a completed Action Item, select the Mark as Incomplete button to the left of the Action Item that needs to be revived. This Action Item will move to the incomplete action item section at the top of the page.

Action Item email notifications

If your systems administrators has enabled the ability to receive email notifications, staff members will receive an email notification when an action item is assigned, coming due, past due, or completed.

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