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Coaching and Walks
Learn how to use, edit, and manage KickUp Coaching and Walks
Access Lists and Roster Management
Introduction to Action Items for Teachers
Favorite instances
Managing Access Settings and Rosters as a Lead
Introduction to Action Items for Coaches
How to create a New Teacher Mentorship Instance
Setting up your roster
Introduction to activity feed and threaded messages for teachers and coaches
Overview of Group coaching cycles
Logging coaching or walkthrough data about several people
Completing a Coaching Log
Completing a Walk
Anonymous Submissions
Viewing and Editing Responses
Count by Category question
Overview of KickUp Walks and Coaching
How to edit an existing coaching cycle
Key Concepts: Walks in KickUp
Enabling activity feed and threaded messages- Admin
Enable Action Items within KickUp
Adding and Configuring Leads
Enabling Coaching Cycles
How to create a Coaching Cycle
How to create a new Walk instance
Configuring Settings for Walkthroughs & Coaching Logs
Managing Access Lists and Rosters
Copying Coaching Logs and Walkthroughs
Exporting Coaches, Mentors, or Observers
Importing Coaches, Mentors, Observers and Access Settings