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Viewing and using Tracks

Tracks help organizations understand progress being made towards staff professional learning participation goals in KickUp Learning.

Fred Shaykis avatar
Written by Fred Shaykis
Updated over 10 months ago

Tracks can help you monitor progress toward professional learning participation requirements and objectives for staff at your organization. This article explains how to use a track once it's been set up - go here for information on how to create and set up a track.

You will only be able to view tracks that you have been granted access to or if you've been granted global access to all tracks. If you believe you should have access to this functionality but do not, please contact your KickUp Learning system administrator or your KickUp Client Success Manager, or ask for help using the in-app chat.

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What is a track?

In simple terms, a track consists of a set of staff members and a set of learning opportunities. A track displays each staff member's progress toward completing the learning opportunities in the track. Each row of the track view represents a distinct staff member in your organization, and each column represents a different piece of information about that staff member.

A track can have one or more blocks. Blocks serve as the containers for learning opportunities in a track, and are used to specify requirements for staff participation in professional learning. Learning opportunities are added to blocks within a track. The same learning opportunity may be added to more than one block.

Summary tab

The summary tab shows displays a quick overview of the track and the progress staff members are making towards completing it. This tab can be filtered to view progress for a smaller group of staff members.

The first set of visualizations provides some high-level information on the track itself: how many staff members are a part of it and whether they've made progress or not, how many blocks are included in the track, and how many learning opportunities are both offered and required as part of the track.

The second visualization shows how many staff members have completed each of the blocks that are required to be completed as part of the overall track.

The final visualization shows the percentage of staff members who have made stepped levels of progress towards completion of the required learning opportunities. For a track that might be completed over the course of a school year, this visualization can provide mid-year insight into whether people are on or off track towards completion of the track by the end of the year.

Staff members tab

The staff members tab allows you to see the detailed of each staff member who is included on the track. The table in this tab allows you to configure which columns are visible, filter to a subset of staff members, and export to CSV to meet any reporting needs.

Types of columns

Several different column types can be displayed in a track. Read on, or use these quick links to jump to the explanation for a specific type of column:

Staff member

Staff member columns display information about a given staff member, such as name, email, role, or school building. The specific columns available to you depend on the staff data your organization syncs with KickUp.

Track progress

Track progress columns show information about a given staff member’s participation in the learning opportunities included in the track.

Specific columns include:

  • Overall progress: This column visualizes each staff member’s progress toward the track’s requirements. You can hover over a progress bar to see the breakdown of required learning opportunities. The dark blue portion represents confirmed opportunities, light blue represents registrations, and clear represents non-registrations. If there are no blocks in the track with a requirement, this column is blank.

  • Track complete: A checkmark is shown when a staff member has met all block requirements. A red X appears when a staff member has unfulfilled requirements.

  • # Columns: Three columns - # confirmed, # registered, and # not registered - calculate statistics about learning opportunities in the track. These three categories are mutually exclusive - a learning opportunity that counts toward # confirmed does not count toward # registered. Unlike Overall progress and Blocks columns, the values shown in these columns do not reflect block requirement logic - they are simple totals reflecting any learning opportunity included in any block.


Blocks columns display each staff member’s progress toward the requirements set for a specific block. One block column is available per block in the track. A block column displays two numbers for every staff member in the track and may also include a status indicator.

  • The first number - to the left of “ / “ - represents the number of learning opportunities required for the block. This value will be 0 for blocks without requirements.

  • The second number represents the number of learning opportunities in the block for which a given staff member has confirmed their attendance. This value can be greater than the first value - for example, if a staff member has confirmed their attendance at more learning opportunities in the block than are required per the block’s requirement setting.

  • The status indicator - either a donut chart or check mark - visually demonstrates a staff member’s progress toward the block’s requirement. A checkmark means the staff member has met the requirement, whereas the donut chart shows the proportion (in darker blue) of the required number of learning opportunities for which the staff member has not confirmed attendance.

Learning opportunities

Learning opportunity columns display each staff member’s progress toward confirming attendance at a specific learning opportunity.

  • Blank space means a staff member has not yet registered.

  • A ticket means a staff member has registered for a learning opportunity but has yet to confirm attendance for a given learning opportunity.

  • A checkmark means a staff member has confirmed attendance.

Selecting and modifying columns

Certain columns are shown automatically when you first view a track. To change the columns visible in your view of the track, click Edit columns to open the column editor modal.

The column editor displays, on the left, a searchable list of columns available to add and, on the right, a list of the currently selected columns.

Columns appear in sections according to the categories described above in Types of Columns. Click on a section header to view the available columns. You can also search for a column by name.

To select a column, click on the column's name. The Select all checkbox will select every available column within a given category.

To remove a column, uncheck its box in the lefthand column or click the x in the righthand column. Columns are added (and displayed in the Track) in the order in which they are chosen. You can reorganize columns by dragging and dropping them within the right-hand list. Click the circular arrow to reset the order of columns to the default order, corresponding to the order in which columns appear on the left-hand side.

Learning opportunity columns are available within sections that correspond to the blocks of the track. There is one column section per block in the track, and each column section displays all of the learning opportunities within that block. If a learning opportunity is in multiple blocks in a track, it appears multiple times in the list of available columns. If selected more than once, it will appear as multiple distinct columns in the track.

Finding and navigating rows of staff

All staff members in the track are shown by default. There are several ways to locate staff and navigate between different sets of staff.

Searching by staff member

Use the search bar to search for staff members by name or email. The track view will automatically update as you modify your search term. Delete the search term or click X in the search bar to clear your search.

Modifying the number of rows

Use the Show dropdown (directly above column headers to the right) to change the number of rows shown on the page.

Switching between pages

Click the page navigation buttons (directly below the bottom row shown) to switch between different results pages.

Sorting and filtering data

All staff in the track are shown by default every time you view a track. In addition to the search and table navigation functionality, there are a few ways to change the set of rows displayed and their order.

Sorting by column

Many (not all) available columns are sortable. Sortable columns show an up-and-down arrow to the right of the column name. Click on the header of a sortable column to sort the data by the value of that specific column (for learning opportunity columns, make sure to click outside the column name - otherwise, a modal will open). Click on the header of the same column a second time to reverse the sort order. Refresh the page or sort by staff member name to reset the sort order to the default.

Filtering rows of data

Click the filter button to open the filter sidebar. Search for a filter type by name or scroll through the list of options. Click on a filter type to expand it. Then, search for a filter value or click Load more and scroll through the list of values. Check the box for a filter value to apply that filter to the track.

You can filter the data shown in the track in two ways - Staff member filters and the Track complete filter.

  • Under the Staff member filter header, you’ll see multiple filter types. The specific filter types available depend on the staff data your organization syncs with KickUp. You can filter by the staff member themselves using the Staff member filter type. Below that, you will see other available filter types pertaining to the attributes of staff members.

  • The Track complete filter allows you to filter data to see only staff members who have fulfilled the track’s requirements (select Yes) or those who haven’t met all requirements (select No). This filter matches the information shown in the Track complete column.

To clear a specific filter value, click x to its right. To clear all filters, click Clear filters or refresh the page.

Applying some filter values may yield no data, in which case you should try clearing filters and/or search terms.

Exporting data

To export a track’s data to a CSV, use the three-dot actions menu and select Export table. This export will respect your current selection of columns and filters. The export might take up to a few minutes to generate when exporting substantial quantities of data.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create or set up a track?

View this resource on setting up tracks. Please reach out to your Client Success Manager for additional support.

Who else can see tracks?

Currently, tracks are visible to users in your organization with the Manage Tracks permission and users who have Can view track or Can edit track permission for that specific track. Staff members who are added to a track will not see anything about the track in KickUp.

Can I share track progress with others?

If you have permission to edit a track, you can share it with other users within the Permissions tab of the Edit view. You can also share data by exporting and sending a CSV file of the track's progress.

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