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Count by Category question

This article will explain how to configure, input, and analyze the data for the count by category form element.

Jimmy Harrison avatar
Written by Jimmy Harrison
Updated over a year ago

This question type allows you to collect data describing "parts of a whole" and is often used to understand how that proportion changes over time. For example, this question can be used as part of a coaching cycle to collect the number of students performing at different levels on a standard at the beginning and end of a coaching cycle, allowing the coach and teacher to understand the impact of their engagement.

Configuring the count by category question

You must be an administrator with permission to edit a form to configure this easy-to-enter form element. To set up a count by category question, you start by editing the form.

Admins can:

  • Select Count by category from the options when creating a new form element

  • Edit the question's prompt of the question

  • Edit the names of categories

  • Edit the number of choices

​​For best results when using this question within a coaching or evaluation cycle, use the same form for collecting baseline and assessment data over the course of a cycle. To do this, select "use existing form" when creating an assessment step and select the same form that was used for the previous baseline one.

Collecting data

When completing the form, the respondent can enter numbers for each of the configured categories. The question will automatically calculate the percentages of each category and sum total of each category in real time.

Viewing the Data

Users, whether admins, coaches, or instructional leaders, can view the aggregation data by navigating to the data tab on a specific instance. From there, select the form that houses your count by category question.

Data Visualizations

There are several ways to visualize this data, including stacked bar charts, area charts, and a metric summary.

Stacked bar chart

You can view an unstacked view of your data. This can demonstrate the average numbers within each category.

In this example where counts of students in various proficiency bands were collected: 18% of students were basic and 34% were proficient.

Metrics Summary

The metrics summary provides a general overview of the size of each category, represented by percentages.

Area Chart

The area chart allows you to see the trend line of each category. By selecting a specific category, you can quickly identify upward or downward trends in the data.

Group bys

To add a group by, select the Add group by button at the top left of the section. Here, you can group by month, step, or cycle.

Group by month

Grouping by month allows you to see the change in responses to this question over time.

Grouping by step (if used in a cycle)

Grouping by step allows you to see the change in responses to this question over a singular cycle.

For example, the graphic below shows the proficiency of students at the beginning of the cycle compared to their proficiency at the end of the cycle.

Group by cycle (if used in a coaching cycle)

Grouping by cycle allows you to see category throughout multiple cycles. ​

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