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Importing Evaluators & Access Settings

Learn how to quickly get Evaluation instances set up with evaluators and access settings by importing a CSV file.

Fred Shaykis avatar
Written by Fred Shaykis
Updated over a week ago

To provide evaluators and staff members access to a given evaluations instance in KickUp Growth, evaluators need to be given access to the instance and assigned access settings of staff members to be evaluated. KickUp offers the ability for administrative users to import CSV files in a specified format to add evaluators to a specific instance along with their access settings for that instance.

Note: Import functionality is available only to KickUp users with the Manage Evaluations permission.

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The Import Process

Importing evaluators or access settings involves a multi-step process of:

  1. Formatting and configuring your file to include appropriate headers and correct values (copy a sample file or export from an instance to start)

  2. Beginning your import in KickUp

  3. Validating the import file

  4. Resolving or ignoring any issues with your file

  5. Completing the import

Evaluators and their access settings are imported additively. This means that an import will never remove existing evaluators or their access settings - this must be done through the user interface within KickUp.

Format the CSV file

To get started, you may want to copy this sample file, or to export an existing instance’s access settings to use as a starting point.

Use the spreadsheet editing tool of your choice to format your CSV file. A sample file is pictured below, with Headers bolded.

Imported files may only contain certain types of columns. Email is the only column required in an import file, representing the email address of the evaluator to import.

Each row of the file can designate a single attribute value, group, or user to add to the evaluator's access settings. For example, if an evaluator needs access to multiple different groups, the file should contain a different row for each group to which the evaluator should have access.

Each row of the file may only designate either an attribute value, group, or user to add to the evaluator's access settings.

  • An attribute value is added to an evaluator's access settings when the attribute value is in the row under an "[Attribute] ___" column header. This method of rostering is helpful when your KickUp Directory includes attributes about staff members that map to evaluator assignments

  • A group is added to an evaluator's access settings when a group name is in the row under the "Group" column header. This method of rostering is helpful when your KickUp Directory includes user groups that map to evaluator assignments

  • An individual user is added to an evaluator's access settings when the staff member's KickUp email address is in the row under the "Staff email" column header. This method of rostering is helpful when you're unsure about whether or how attribute values or groups map to evaluator assignments

The table below has detailed explanations of each type of column.

Column Header

What it represents

Value requirements

(required column)

Email address of the evaluator to import

Valid email address that is tied to a KickUp user in your district

Staff email

Email address of the staff member to add to the evaluator's access setting list

Valid email address that is tied to a KickUp user in your district


The group to add to the evaluator's access setting list

Name of an existing Group in the KickUp Directory

[Attribute] Attribute name

The KickUp staff attribute value to add to the evaluator's access setting list

An existing attribute value associated with any KickUp user

Begin an import

To access the modal where you can import evaluators and their access settings:

  1. Ensure you are in “Edit” mode within an evaluation instance

  2. From the Evaluators tab, click the three-dot action menu (to the right of the Add button)

  3. In the dropdown, click the Import evaluators option

  4. Drag and drop - or click to select from your device - the CSV file for the import.

Validate the file

After uploading a CSV file, click Validate to continue. Any issues with your file will be highlighted with a red ! icon, which you can hover over for more detail about the issue.

You may proceed with importing valid rows or go back to your file to fix invalid rows and re-import the CSV file by clicking Re-upload file. For information on errors and how to fix them, see Troubleshoot validation errors.

Troubleshoot validation errors

A file may have issues that prevent the entire file or certain rows from being imported. Files with a combination of valid and invalid rows may be imported - invalid rows will simply be ignored. After resolving any issue(s) in your CSV file, be sure to re-upload and re-validate the file.

The table below shows common validation errors you might encounter and how to resolve them.

Error message

Description of issue

How to resolve issue

All headers in this file are invalid

The first row of the file must contain headers that describe data in the column

Ensure the 1st row of your file includes valid headers. (more on file format here)

Invalid header

A column has a header that cannot be processed

Double check your header contents and formatting. (reference documentation and the sample file)

This file is missing a required email header

One of the columns must have “Email” as the column header

Ensure one of the columns in your file has "Email" in the 1st row of the file

This file is empty

The file must contain information in at least 1 row in addition to the first (header) row

Add information you’d like to import in the specified format

This file has duplicate headers

The file cannot have 2 identical headers (values in the first row)

Remove duplicate column(s) or update duplicate header value(s)

This row has an email not found

The email address in the Email column does not correspond to a KickUp user

Ensure the email address in the Email column corresponds to a KickUp user

This row has an invalid email

The value in the Email column does not match the format of an email address

Ensure the email address in the Email column is valid

Staff email not found

The email address in the Staff email column does not correspond to a KickUp user

Ensure the email address in the Staff email column corresponds to a KickUp user

Invalid staff email

The value in the Staff email column does not match the format of an email address

Ensure the email address in the Staff email column is valid

Group not found

The value in the Group column does not correspond to a KickUp group name

Ensure the value in the Group column corresponds to a KickUp group. Users with the Manage Users permission can see the list of groups in the Directory

Attribute not found

The [Attribute] column header does not correspond to a KickUp attribute type

Ensure the [Attribute] column header corresponds to an attribute that exists in KickUp. Users with the Manage Users permission can see available attribute types as filters in the Directory

Attribute value not found

The value in the [Attribute] column does not correspond to a KickUp attribute value for the specified attribute type

Ensure the value in the [Attribute] column corresponds to a value that exists for the attribute type. Users with the Manage Users permission can see the list of attribute values using the dropdown filters in the Directory.

The row has multiple values for staff email, group, or attribute headers

Rows cannot contain information in more than 1 additional column beyond Email

Remove all but 1 value in this row for columns other than Email

See column error

There is an issue with the column as a whole

Check the error in the column header for more information

Import the file

Once your file has finished validating and you have resolved any errors you wish to resolve, click Import or Import X rows to import the rows of the file that can be imported.

If the import file will result in a large number of updates, a confirmation asking whether you’re sure will appear. Click Yes, I’m sure to proceed with the import.

Upon successfully importing any rows from your file, an Import successful confirmation message will appear with information about the rows imported and not imported.

Check your work

Click Done or x out of the modal to return to the primary view of Evaluators. Locate a particular Evaluator using the search bar.

Click the value in their row under the Access column to view the list of items on their access setting list. You may make additional updates to their access settings directly from this modal.

Video Overview

Imports in KickUp Growth work identically to imports in KickUp Coaching and KickUp Walks. See below for a video demonstrating the import capabilities.

FAQs & Related Resources

Question: Can you use imports to overwrite or delete evaluators and their access settings?

Answer: No, imports will never remove existing evaluators and their access settings. Evaluators and their access settings are imported additively.

Question: Can I give supervisors or evaluators the ability to import access settings?

Answer: No. Currently, the ability to import access settings is available only to KickUp users with the Manage Evaluations permission.

Question: Can I access a sample file?

Answer: Yes. To get started, you may copy this sample file. Once updated, be sure to download it as a CSV in order to use it for an import (File --> Download ---> .CSV). You may also export an instance’s access settings to use as a starting point for generating a CSV import file.

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