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Filtering a Dashboard as an editor
Filtering a Dashboard as an editor

Learn how to filter what's shown in a dashboard to ensure your audience has access to the right set of data.

Fred Shaykis avatar
Written by Fred Shaykis
Updated over a week ago

Dashboards is a newer feature set currently in beta. If you'd like access to it, please contact your KickUp Client Success Manager.

Dashboard editors can filter data in numerous ways to ensure others viewing the dashboard can see the right set of data to inform their decision-making. Filters applied while editing a dashboard impact everyone's view of the dashboard; this is in contrast to viewer filters, which are not saved and are applied when viewing dashboards.

Note: This functionality is only available to users with the Manage Dashboards permission, or users who have edit access for specific dashboards(s).

Read on to learn more about each filtering topic, or jump to a specific section:

Preset dashboard filters

Adding preset filters

Preset filters apply to all parts of a dashboard. To add or modify preset filters:

  1. Make sure you are in Edit mode. If you don't see Edit dashboard on the righthand side, click theicon in the top right of the dashboard.

  2. Click Preset filters in the Edit dashboard sidebar

  3. Click Add filter +

  4. Locate the type of filter you want to apply

  5. Select the filter value(s) to apply to the dashboard

Staff attribute filtering

Preset filters can be added based on the attributes of staff members, about which KickUp gets information through HRMS integration. These filters impacts multiple data visualizations, filtering data differently based on the type of data:

  • Form data: Filter based on the staff member who answered/submitted a form and the staff member whom a form submission is about

  • Goal data: Filter based on the staff member to whom a goal pertains - not the coach, mentor, or evaluator involved in setting the goal

  • Learning registrations and hours: Filter based on the the staff member registered for a learning opportunity - not the event creator or facilitator

Preset filters can be set to change based on the attribute of the person viewing a dashboard. This type of filtering filters data based on the specific user viewing the dashboard.

For example, if the filter above is applied and the dashboard viewer's "Feeder Pattern" attribute is "Douglass," this viewer will see only data associated with staff members who are associated with the same "Douglass" Feeder Pattern. However, a different viewer with a different attribute value for the "Feeder Pattern" attribute would see a different set of data.

Element-specific filters

Filters can also refine just the data in a specific dashboard element. The filter types available for a given dashboard element depends on the type of element and on your organization's data. Learning data, for example, can be filtered by a learning opportunity’s tags, whereas goal data cannot.

To filter data in a given element:

  1. Make sure you are in the Edit view in the sidebar by selecting the relevant data element while in Edit Dashboard mode

  2. Click Add filter + in the editing sidebar (this appears below the Title, Aggregation, and Group by)

  3. Locate the type of filter you want to apply

  4. Select the filter value(s) to apply to the data

Reviewing, updating, and removing filters

To review or update the options selected for an existing filters, click the down arrow icon. Then, make any changes to filter values.

To remove existing filters, hover over a filter and click next to the filter.

Like other aspects of dashboard editing, changes made are immediately applied in your view of the dashboard on the left and for other dashboard viewers.

Using multiple filters

Multiple filter types can be applied for both element and dashboard-level filters.

For different filter types, filtering expresses the AND intersection of the selected filter types. For example, if a dataset is filtered by Content Area (values = Math, ELA) and School (values = Douglass HS, Green Valley MS), data would only be displayed if they match both sets of filter criteria.

Similarly, combining element-specific and dashboard-level preset filters shows data that matches all filter conditions. For example, if an element has a filter for Content Area = Math and the dashboard has a preset filter of School = Douglass HS, only data from staff members with both of the selected attributes (Math and Douglass HS) will be shown.

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