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Facilitating a Course

An overview of the ins and outs of facilitating a self-paced course with content enabled.

Written by Erin Haugaard
Updated over 2 months ago

Preview participant view

  1. Navigate to the course you are facilitating.

  2. Find the “Content” section in the “Overview” tab.

  3. Select the “Preview” button. You can click through the course to learn more about the content and requirements.

Edit content

As a facilitator, you may or may not have permission to edit the content. If you do, you’ll see the “Edit” button next to the “Preview” button in the “Content” section. Selecting this button will allow you to edit the content. See Creating a Self-paced Course for more information.

Granting credit (Confirming attendance)

A self-paced course with content can either be configured to grant credit (confirm attendance) automatically upon the completion of all modules or require the facilitator (or someone with manage attendance permissions) to confirm their credit/attendance manually.

If the course is not configured to grant credit automatically, you will need to manage attendance in the same manner as you would for other KickUp events and self-paced courses.

The “Attendance” tab will show if automatic credit granting is enabled.

Assignment progress

Under the progress tab within the course, there is an "Assignments" table that lists all course assignments along with counts for each status: incomplete, submitted, approved, and returned.

Reviewing submitted assignments

  1. Navigate to the Progress tab within the course

  2. Select the Assignments section on the side.

  3. During review, two main actions are available:

    1. Approve: The submission meets requirements

    2. Return: The submission does not meet your requirements or an incorrect artifact was submitted. This action will allow the participant to edit their submission and resubmit the assignment.

Course progress

To monitor participants' progress in the self-paced course, a progress table will be available on the course page under the “Progress” tab. This table provides a detailed overview of each attendee's completion status for every resource and assignment.

Email notifications

Staff members assigned as “Facilitators” will be sent email updates about assignments that are submitted and in need of review.

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