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Creating an Event

An overview describing how to create events in KickUp

Victoria Kinzig avatar
Written by Victoria Kinzig
Updated over 3 years ago

Please note that your organization needs to have the Learning module enabled, and you need to be granted Submit Events permission by your administrator to have this functionality available.

1. From the Learning homepage, click "Create Event"

2. The "Event" option is automatically selected. In the "Details" section, you'll want to add the basic information about the event - Name, description, facilitators (optional).

Your facilitator field can pull from your directory so you can add people who have been imported or invited to KickUp. You can also add a line of text if your facilitator is not a person in your directory (i.e. an outside consultant, a group, etc.). (Note: Any user added as a facilitator will automatically be given the permission to View and Manage Attendance for the event only. You can change this in the Visibility and Permissions section.)

3. In the "Time & Location" section, enter the event's date and time (location is optional). Note: Events that take place over multiple days can be grouped together in a collection.

4. You may choose to add your event to a "Collection," which is a group of related events - e.g. a course, a conference day or other series which you may want to track and analyze in a common way. Read more about collections here.

5. "Tags" serve as categorical information that will allow users to filter events in the browse view and, ultimately, allow analyze how time and resources are being spent. In the Tags section, you will want to select the tag options that align with this event.

6. In the Registration Settings section, you can set a registration window to limit when people are allowed to register. Additionally, this section allows you to assign credit or override the clock hours awarded for an event. For example, an event that takes place from 8am-4pm would award 8 hours to a participant. You can use the Custom Hours field to award 7 hours if this session included a 1-hour lunch break. You may also choose to award customized credit types in addition to general "hours." Read more about setting up custom credit types here.

The Create New button allows you to add a second registration type.

7. In the Seat Limit section, you can set a maximum seat/registration limit on this particular event. (e.g. only 25 people may register). Allow or disable a waitlist if an event has a seat limit.

8. In the "Feedback" Section, you will likely want to leave your organization's default feedback form enabled, unless it is a special event that does not require feedback.

9. You'll then find a number of advanced settings (all optional). You may choose to leave the default options in this section, unless you would like to: 

  • Prevent participants from confirming their own attendance (e.g. if you are just planning to enter the attendance or have someone enter the attendance themselves). 

  • Send users to an external page to register for the event (e.g. if an external provider is hosting the event and requires registration). 

10. Finally, set your event's Visibility and Permissions

  • First, determine who should see this event-- everyone from your district, certain users or groups, or only those with a link. For example, if an event should be private, you might click on the option to "Share with any user who has the link." If an event should be visible to only school, you can click "Only share with specific Users and Groups" and then type a School's name into the search bar.

  • Add users or groups to allow them to manage attendance and/or edit this event, specifically. Any user who is entered in the facilitator field is automatically given View and Manage Attendance permissions for this event only, if they don't already have that permission globally.

  • Use permissions to give users who don't have global Manage Events, Manage Attendance, or View Attendance permissions the ability to have that permission for this event only.

You can submit the learning opportunity for review by an administrator or Save and Publish the event. Once you Save and Publish the event, there are several options for managing event registration and attendance. Learn more here.

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