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Viewing Evaluation Results

Use the Summary Table to access and export the full evaluation of each of your staff members.

Jimmy Harrison avatar
Written by Jimmy Harrison
Updated over a week ago

Over the course of the year, many steps might be completed as part of each staff member's evaluation. The Summary Table allows you to pull data from each of those steps into a single overview table.

Your data in the Summary Table

The summary table is found within the "Data" tab of an evaluation cycle. It will always be the first sub-tab shown, ahead of the data views for each of the forms configured as part of the evaluation cycle.

This table will show a list of staff members who appear on your roster or appear on the roster of an evaluator whom you supervise. You may use the filters to restrict who shows up in the table.

Editing columns

The power of the summary table comes into play when you decide which columns to add. The "Edit Columns" function allows you to pull in demographic data about the staff member, information about the goals they've selected as part of this evaluation cycle, and responses from the forms included as part of their evaluation. To more quickly find the columns you'd like to include, you can search the available columns.

[video-to-gif output image]

Reordering the selected columns will update how the columns display in the table. You can re-set the sort order at any time to bring it back to the default order.

[video-to-gif output image]

Exporting data

To export the data from this table as a CSV, you can use the "Export table" item in the three-dot action menu next to the "Edit Columns" button. This export will respect any filters you have selected and your current configuration of columns. Read more about exporting submissions here.

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