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Using the Roster Tab

Learn how to use the roster tab to plan and conduct evaluations for your staff members.

Jimmy Harrison avatar
Written by Jimmy Harrison
Updated over 8 months ago

As an evaluator in KickUp, you can use the "Roster" tab to track the progress of your staff members' evaluations and navigate to any parts of the evaluation process for which you are responsible. Read on for more information, or use the links below to jump to a specific topic.

View step progress

At the top of this tab, you'll see a table that shows the percentage of staff members whom you've completed each step for.

Note: if you are a Supervisor of other evaluators, you can toggle between "My Roster," "All Rosters," and the rosters of other specific evaluators in the evaluation cycle.

Clicking into a cell of this table opens the Completion Status Breakdown modal, which shows detailed information about the completion status of a given step in the evaluation cycle.

From this view, you can search for staff by name and sort by name or completion status. The Completion Status Breakdown shows the following columns:

Column name


Staff member

A list of all the staff members assigned to the step. This list can be sorted alphabetically.


Shows the overall completion status of a step for a given staff member. A green checkmark indicates that all required actions, including forms, meetings or goal steps and signatures are complete. A red X indicates that one or more required actions are incomplete. This list can be sorted by completion status.

Form submitted; Meeting complete; Goal selected

The name of the column is based on the primary action of the step: Form submitted, Meeting complete or Goal selected. A green checkmark indicates that the primary action is complete. A red X indicates that the primary action is incomplete.

Staff member signature

Displays only if a staff member's signature is required for the step. When a staff member signature is complete, you will see the name of the staff member who signed, the date it was signed, and a signature icon.

Evaluator signature

Displays only if an evaluator's signature is required for the step. When am evaluator signature is complete, you will see the name of the evaluator who signed, the date it was signed, and a signature icon.

Clicking on a staff member's name from this view will take you straight to that staff's evaluation page, where you can see step activity or take actions for that staff's evaluation.

You can also export the Completion Status Breakdown as a CSV file for your records. The CSV export includes the email addresses of each staff member assigned to the step.

View the list of staff members whom you evaluate

Below the step progress table, you'll see the list of staff members who are on your roster for this evaluation cycle ("All").

By toggling to "Evaluated by me," you can filter this list down to people for whom you have at least one step assigned.

Note: If you are a Supervisor of other evaluators, when you select that evaluator's roster above the step progress table you can toggle between "All" staff and those whom have a step assigned to a given evaluator ("Evaluated by __").

Claim or assign steps in bulk

Using the three-dot action menu next to the name of each staff member on the roster, you can quickly claim or assign their evaluation steps in bulk to help you plan their evaluation in advance. Simply click "Assign steps," then check the boxes for the steps that you would like to claim for yourself or assign to another evaluator. Note that some steps are assigned to the staff member themselves and cannot be claimed or assigned to an evaluator.

Include inactive staff on your roster tab

By default, staff who are inactive (i.e., they cannot login to KickUp, most likely because they are no longer employed by your organization) are not shown on the staff list or step progress visualization.

To include inactive staff - for example, if you are reporting on the cohort of staff from the beginning of a school year - use the Include inactive staff checkbox.

Note that this checkbox only impacts the Roster tab; inactive staff are always included in the Data tab.

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