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How to Find Learning Opportunities within a Collection
How to Find Learning Opportunities within a Collection
Fred Shaykis avatar
Written by Fred Shaykis
Updated over a week ago

Collections are used to organize related learning opportunities in KickUp. For example, a set of learning opportunities that are part of the same PD day or conference might be part of a single collection. This article explains how you can find new relevant learning opportunities within a collection. If you are looking for the learning opportunities for which you're already registered, check the My schedule tab.

Find a collection's detail page by following a hyperlink from Browse Events, an Opportunity Details page, or elsewhere in KickUp. You are on a collection's details page if you see summary information about a collection including its name, date range, number of events and courses, and registration rules (such as the example below).

Below the collection's summary information are two tabs - this article pertains to the All opportunities tab. Read on, or use these links to jump to the relevant section.

Search for learning opportunities

To search for learning opportunities, click in the search bar and start typing a search term. Doing so will search across the name, description, tags, and facilitators of the learning opportunity. Matching text from the names of learning opportunities are highlighted.

Matching learning opportunities update in real-time as you modify search terms.

Click X to clear the search.

Filter using tags

Tags are used to label learning opportunities. The exact set of tags will depend on how your organization's system administrators have set them up.

You can filter learning opportunities to see only ones that are tagged a certain way. The set of tags you can use to filter learning opportunities is shown below the search bar.

To filter using tag, click a tag's dropdown filter, then select the value(s) of that tag you want to apply. For example, if you teach STEM courses, you might select both "Math" and "Science" on a Content tag.

When multiple values within the same tag filter are selected, learning opportunities that match any of the selected values are shown.

When multiple tag filters are used (e.g. Content Focus and Grade Level), only learning opportunities that match the criteria of all applied tag filters are shown.

Remove a specific filter value by clicking x to its right. Clear all filters by clicking Clear filters.

Toggle between events and self-paced courses

If you are viewing a collection that includes both events and self-paced courses, you can switch between those two types of learning opportunities using the toggle underneath the filters to the right.

Applied search terms and filters impact both the events and the self-paced courses that are shown. Selected dates and start times only impact the events that are shown.

Only self-paced courses with open registration windows are shown by default. To see courses that are not open for registration, select Closed courses under Registration status.

Filter events by date

You can filter events by their start date. To start selecting the date range you'd like to see, click the Date button underneath the tag filters to the right.

Once the calendar pops up, click on a date to select the start of the range. Click on a later date to select the end of the range. Click the same date twice to see events that fall on a specific date.

You may also type in a date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Once you've selected the date range, the calendar closes, the start and end of the date range are displayed, and the events shown are updated to reflect the date range.

To clear the date filter, click X to the right of the end date.

Only events in the future are shown by default. To see events that have already occurred, use the Show past events checkbox underneath the Start time slider.

Filter events by start time

You can filter events by their start time. By default, all start times are shown. To narrow the range of start times shown, click and drag the two knobs on the Start time slider. Stop dragging the knob once you've reached the time you want. To reset start times to the full range, click the arrow above the slider.

Events with start times between the start and the end of the range are shown. Events that fall right on the start or end of the chosen range are shown (e.g. if 9:00am - 10:00am is selected, an event that starts at 9:00 am would be shown, as would an event that starts at 10:00am).

Times shown in the Start time slider represent the current timezone for your current location. Please be mindful of this when using the start time filter:

  • In a timezone that's different from the locations of events

  • During a time of year in which the timezone that's in effect if different from the timezone in effect when the event will take place (i.e. with regards to daylight savings time)

View details about a learning opportunity

Only key information - such as name, date, time, location, and facilitators - is shown in the list of learning opportunities. To see additional details about a learning opportunity, click on it to open a pop-up modal.

In the modal, you can see a learning opportunity's full description and all of its tags. You can also perform some additional actions not available in the list view:

  • Click the email address of a facilitator to copy it to your clipboard

  • Click View full details to open the learning opportunity's detail page in a new tab

To exit the modal, click Close, X, or anywhere on the screen outside the modal.

Bookmark or share a search

Any search terms, tag filter, date and time filters, or toggle settings you apply on a collection's details page are reflected in the URL, or web address, that appears in your web browser's address bar. This enables you to save or bookmark a link that is specific to a set of search terms and filters.

To copy the URL of a specific search to your clipboard, highlight it in your web browser's address bar and use your device's copy function. Some browsers, such as newer versions of Google Chrome, may have shortcuts or can generate a QR code for the link.

When you later return to the web address, the same set of filters will be applied (the learning opportunities that are displayed will reflect any changes made to the learning opportunities in the collection). This also means that you can share a link with pre-loaded search terms and filters with a colleague who also has access to KickUp. When they navigate to the link, they will see the same set of search terms and filters applied!

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